Why choose Lotus Lion Design Juzu?
Because each of our Nichiren Buddhist Prayer Beads (Juzu) are handmade and designed to celebrate beauty and personality. Our Juzu designs are meant to be cherished and cared for because they are special.
Not to mention, chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo with Juzu made from natural materials creates a wonderful feeling of connection to the Earth and The Universe, as well as a centered grounding effect. The weight and feel of natural stones, woods and metals has a profound way of focusing energy during Daimoku Gongyo, a feeling that just isn't the same with plastic beads. But don't just take our word for it - try it!
And YES, they really are hand made! We have been making Juzu by hand since 2013 and constantly sourcing better, stronger materials and honing our craft. At Lotus Lion Design, we are always looking to improve our designs so that we can create even better products that will last for years to come!
Plus, our Nichiren Juzu are double stranded and designed to last, using premium nylon coated stainless steel wire for exceptional flexibility, comfort and enduring strength. While our Juzu are designed to last, it is up to you to treat them like you want them to last and that means you should not rub our Juzu... Think of it this way: your great grandmother's necklace (which is now a family heirloom handed down from generation to generation) is a quality piece of jewelry made with exceptional craftsmanship but doesn't mean that you should repeatedly rub it between the palms of your hands everyday. Same goes for our Juzu - they are meant to be cared for and cherished. Not ground to a pulp between your hands. You rub Juzu during daimoku? Then you should consider one of our wooden Juzu designs or break your habit.
If you do not see the exact color or stone combination you are looking for, click here to submit a Custom Juzu Inquiry so that we may create the perfect set of custom Nichiren Prayer Beads just for you!
Because each of our Nichiren Buddhist Prayer Beads (Juzu) are handmade and designed to celebrate beauty and personality. Our Juzu designs are meant to be cherished and cared for because they are special.
Not to mention, chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo with Juzu made from natural materials creates a wonderful feeling of connection to the Earth and The Universe, as well as a centered grounding effect. The weight and feel of natural stones, woods and metals has a profound way of focusing energy during Daimoku Gongyo, a feeling that just isn't the same with plastic beads. But don't just take our word for it - try it!
And YES, they really are hand made! We have been making Juzu by hand since 2013 and constantly sourcing better, stronger materials and honing our craft. At Lotus Lion Design, we are always looking to improve our designs so that we can create even better products that will last for years to come!
Plus, our Nichiren Juzu are double stranded and designed to last, using premium nylon coated stainless steel wire for exceptional flexibility, comfort and enduring strength. While our Juzu are designed to last, it is up to you to treat them like you want them to last and that means you should not rub our Juzu... Think of it this way: your great grandmother's necklace (which is now a family heirloom handed down from generation to generation) is a quality piece of jewelry made with exceptional craftsmanship but doesn't mean that you should repeatedly rub it between the palms of your hands everyday. Same goes for our Juzu - they are meant to be cared for and cherished. Not ground to a pulp between your hands. You rub Juzu during daimoku? Then you should consider one of our wooden Juzu designs or break your habit.
If you do not see the exact color or stone combination you are looking for, click here to submit a Custom Juzu Inquiry so that we may create the perfect set of custom Nichiren Prayer Beads just for you!
Nichiren Buddhist Prayer Beads
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We specialize in Nichiren Buddhist Prayer Beads, SGI Buddhist Prayer Beads, Juzu Beads and SGI Beads!
Lotus Lion Design Features Gemstone SGI Juzu Beads, Nichiren Prayer Beads, SGI Beads and Much more! Shop our Buddhist Boutique for Nichiren Buddhist Gifts, SGI Gifts, Buddhist Greeting Cards, Butsugu, SGI Altar Supplies, Buddhist Supplies and Lotus Flower Buddhist Jewelry
Lotus Lion Design Features Gemstone SGI Juzu Beads, Nichiren Prayer Beads, SGI Beads and Much more! Shop our Buddhist Boutique for Nichiren Buddhist Gifts, SGI Gifts, Buddhist Greeting Cards, Butsugu, SGI Altar Supplies, Buddhist Supplies and Lotus Flower Buddhist Jewelry